The Official Website of the Office of His Eminence Al-Sayyid Ali Al-Husseini Al-Sistani

Books » Islamic Laws



Ruling 1108. After prayers, it is recommended that one engage himself in taʿqībāt, i.e. saying dhikr, reciting duʿāʾs, and reciting the Qur’an. It is better that he recite taʿqībāt facing qibla before he moves from his place and before his wuḍūʾ, ghusl, or tayammum becomes invalid. It is not necessary that the taʿqībāt be in Arabic, but it is better to recite what has been instructed in the books of duʿāʾs. One of the taʿqībāt that has been highly recommended is the tasbīḥ of Her Eminence [Fāṭimah] al-Zahrāʾ (ʿA), which must be said in this order: thirty-four times ‘allāhu akbar’, then thirty-three times ‘alḥamdu lillāh’, and then thirty-three times ‘subḥānal lāh’. It is possible to say the ‘subḥānal lāh’ before ‘alḥamdu lillāh’, but it is better to say it after it.

Ruling 1109. It is recommended that one perform the prostration for offering thanks (sajdat al‑shukr) after prayers, and it is sufficient if he places his forehead on the ground with the intention of offering thanks. However, it is better that he say the following phrase 100 times, or three times, or once: ‘shukran lillāh’ [‘I am very grateful to Allah’]; or: ‘shukran’ [‘I am very grateful (to You, O Allah)!’]; or: ‘ʿafwan’ [‘Bestow Your pardon (on me, O Allah)!’]. It is also recommended that whenever a blessing comes to someone or tribulation is averted from him, he should perform sajdat al‑shukr.
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